RTA Management Services

3412 days ago

Helen Cutler at Quindell, WTF – the Curse of the Sheriff of AIM

Bizarre or what? On 23rd December 2014 I put in a call to Mrs Helen Cutler of ACH Management Services Ltd, the Quenron subsidiary formerly known as RTA Management Services. This was the company that Quenron CEO Rob Fielding set up in December 2013 (costing him £68.40 inc VAT) and then sold to Quindell on 14 January 2014 for £2 million as part of the deal with a convicted Nigerian fraudster as revealed HERE on Christmas day.

I left a message for Mrs Cutler


3412 days ago

Quindell CEO Robert Fielding: Tell us all about RTA Management Services Ltd and the £2 million?

On 14th January 2014 Quindell announced the purchase of ACH and associated companies for £5 million in cash and 117,812,500 (pre consolidation) shares at 22.5p. We have pointed out before that ACH was 100% owned and run by a convicted Nigerian Fraudster Andrew O’Dua, something Quindell did not mention at the time. But now the spotlight falls on the associated companies and how Quindell CEO Rob Fielding made a quick £2 million. 

The main associated company was called RTA Management Services Ltd and it was set up on 2nd December 2013. It had one shareholder Rob Fielding and no assets. It was a shell. And it was part of the transaction.

I have established that the shareholder list for Quenron post the ACH deal saw the Nigerian Fraudster O’Dua
